Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stored Procedure

Stored Procedures are compiled SQL code stored in the database. Calling stored procedures as opposed to sending over query strings improves the performance of a web application. Not only is there less network traffic since only short commands are sent instead of long query stings, but the execution of the actually code itself also improves. The reason is because a stored procedure is already compiled ahead of time. Stored procedures are also cached by SQL Server when they are run to speed things up for subsequent calls.

Other than performance, stored procedures are also helpful because they provide another layer of abstraction for your web application. For instance, you can change a query in a stored procedure and get different results without having to recompile your objects. Using stored procedures also makes your objects cleaner, and SQL Server’s convenient backup tool makes it easy to back them up.

Suppose we have the following query that retrieves messages from a given thread:

SELECT message_id,

FROM message_view
WHERE thread_id = @iThreadID
ORDER BY date_submitted asc

To put this query in a stored procedure using the query analyzer, we simply have to give it a name (GetThreadMessages) and tell it what inputs (@iThreadID int) it requires. The name of the procedure goes in the create statement, then come the comma separated inputs, and finally the AS keyword followed by the procedure. The resulting statement would look like this:

Create Procedure GetThreadMessages
@iThreadID int


SELECT message_id,

FROM message_view
WHERE thread_id = @iThreadID
ORDER BY date_submitted asc

Friday, September 18, 2009

mmap() System call

The mmap() system call can be made multiple times on the same sg_fd. The munmap() system call is not required if close() is called on sg_fd. Mmap-ed IO is well-behaved when a process is fork()-ed (or the equivalent finer grained clone() system call is made). In the case of a fork(), 2 processes will be sharing the same memory mapped area together with the sg driver for a sg_fd and the last one to close the sg_fd (or exit) will cause the shared memory to be freed.
It is assumed that if the default reserved buffer size of 32 KB is not sufficient then a ioctl(SG_SET_RESERVED_SIZE) call is made prior to any calls to mmap(). If the required size is not a multiple of the kernel's page size (returned by getpagesize() system call) then the size passed to ioctl(SG_SET_RESERVED_SIZE) should be rounded up to the next page size multiple.
Mmap-ed IO is requested by setting (or or-ing in) the SG_FLAG_MMAP_IO constant into the flag member of the the sg_io_hdr structure prior to a call to write() or ioctl(SG_IO). The logic to do mmap-ed IO _assumes_ that an appropriate mmap() call has been made by the application

Example of open file for read mode


#define FILEPATH "/home/tarun/c_prog/mmap_test.txt"
#define NUMINTS (10)
#define FILESIZE (NUMINTS * sizeof(int))

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i;
int fd;
int *map; /* mmapped array of int's */

fd = open(FILEPATH, O_RDONLY);
if (fd == -1) {
perror("Error opening file for reading");

map = mmap(0, FILESIZE, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);
if (map == MAP_FAILED) {
perror("Error mmapping the file");

/* Read the file int-by-int from the mmap
for (i = 1; i <=NUMINTS; ++i) {
printf("%d: %d\n", i, map[i]);

if (munmap(map, FILESIZE) == -1) {
perror("Error un-mmapping the file");
return 0;

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Log Information in Android Application Development

For java file :

import android.util.Log;

Log.v(TAG, "Message");

Log.v(TAG, "Message" + msg);

For getting Log information

In eclipse Window->open perspective->DDMS

Here we can see log information

Friday, September 11, 2009

An EDF scheduling class for the Linux kernel

Linux is a General Purpose Operating System (GPOS) originally designed to be used in server or desktop environments. Since then, Linux has evolved and grown to be used in almost all computer areas.

An important part of Linux is the process scheduler (or simply the scheduler). This component of the kernel selects which process to execute at any instant of time, and is responsible of dividing the finite resource of processor time between all runnable processes on the system.

During the last years, there has been a considerable interest in using Linux also for real-time control systems, from both academic institutions and companies. The main reason for this raising interest is the free availability of the source code, under the terms of the GPL license. The free availability implies that using Linux in industrial devices is more convenient than using other commercial operating systems (which are typically very expensive or subject to royalties). The availability of the source code, moreover, allows software developers to further improve the already excellent performance of Linux by customizing the source code according to their specific needs.

Unfortunately, Linux has not been designed to be a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS), thus not much attention has been given to real-time issues. The default scheduling policies of Linux (i.e., SCHED_NORMAL and SCHED_BATCH) perform very well in their own domains of application, but cannot provide any guarantee to time-sensitive tasks. To make an example, there is no way of specifying that a task must execute for 20msec every 100msec. In addition, the time between two consecutive executions of a task is not deterministic and highly depends on the number of tasks running in the system at that time.

Linux also provides some POSIX-compliant fixed-priority scheduling policies (i.e., SCHED_RR and SCHED_FIFO). These policies, however, are not much sophisticated and often do not suit the specific application requirements. No concept of time is associated to these policies, therefore it is not possible to set any deadline for the tasks. Moreover, it is known from the real-time literature that, on uniprocessor systems, fixed-priority policies cannot guarantee real-time constraints when the processor is fully loaded: schedulability analysis for fixed-priority algorithms, in fact, can guarantee real-time constraints only for processor utilizations below a certain threshold, which depends on the characteristics of the task set and that can be as lower as 69% for uniprocessors.

These issues are particularly critical when designing time-sensitive or control applications (e.g., MPEG players) for embedded devices like smart-phones. These devices, in fact, are characterized by constraints on size, power consumption and cost. Embedded system designers, therefore, need to obtain the maximum performance from the embedded processor, in order to meet the timing constraints of the application even with not powerful hardware. Fixed-priority policies cannot ensure real-time constraints when the processor utilization is above a certain threshold, therefore they do not allow to fully exploit the performance of embedded systems. On the other hand, without a deterministic real-time policy, it is not possible to make a feasibility study of the system under development, and developers cannot be sure that the timing requirements of tasks will be met under any circumstance. These issues are among the ones that prevent the usage of Linux in real industrial contexts.

To overcome these problems, some companies operating in the industrial market started selling modified versions of the Linux kernel with some kind of support for real-time scheduling. However, these non-standard versions of Linux often are not free, vanishing the main reason for using Linux in industrial contexts. Moreover, they do not have the support of the huge development community of the standard kernel.

Real-time institutions and independent developers, on the other hand, have proposed some real-time extensions to the Linux scheduler during the last years. Unfortunately, none of these extensions eventually became part of the official Linux kernel. In the meantime, the Linux scheduler has been rewritten from scratch more than once. Very recently, the addition of further scheduling policies has been made easier through the integration of some mechanisms inside the standard scheduler itself. The latest Linux scheduler (i.e., CFS), in fact, is a modular scheduler: It allows to define further scheduling policies and to add new schedulers to handle the policies introduced. The binding between the new policy and the new scheduler is done through a set of "hooks'' (i.e., function pointers) at kernel level.

We believe that to be very "general'', Linux should also provide enhanced real-time scheduling support, still allowing to schedule non-real-time tasks in the usual way. In this paper, thus, we propose an implementation of the Earliest Deadline First (EDF) algorithm. This is a dynamic-priority algorithm well-known in the real-time literature. One interesting feature of this algorithm is that, on single processor systems, it can guarantee real-time constraints even when the processor is fully utilized (i.e., utilization equal to 100%). The new scheduling policy introduced by our implementation has been called SCHED_EDF.

With respect to similar work proposed in the past, our implementation takes advantage of the modularity offered by the new Linux scheduler, leaving the current behavior of existing policies unchanged. The new scheduling class is integrated with the latest Linux scheduler, and relies on standard Linux mechanisms (e.g., control groups), thus it natively supports multicore platforms and provides hierarchical scheduling through a standard API. Our implementation does not make any restrictive assumption on the characteristics of the task. Thus, unlike other schedulers, it can handle both periodic and aperiodic tasks.

A very interesting feature of this scheduling class is the "temporal isolation'' among the tasks handled. The temporal behavior of each task (i.e., its ability to meet its deadlines) is not affected by the behavior of the other tasks: if a task misbehaves and requires a large execution time, it cannot monopolize the processor. Thanks to the temporal isolation property, each task executes as it were on a slower dedicated processor, so that it is possible to provide real-time guarantees on a per-task basis. Such property is particularly useful when mixing hard and soft real-time tasks on the same system.

The paper is organized as follows. At the beginning we introduce definitions and characteristics concerning real-time systems as well as the scheduling model that will be used throughout the rest of the paper. Then, a brief overview of most notable approaches and implementations proposed in the last decade is provided. The current Linux scheduler (i.e., CFS) is explained, focusing on the modular facilities that it offers. We then describe the internals of the proposed implementation (i.e., SCHED_EDF), and we show how it has been integrated with existing mechanisms available on Linux (e.g., control groups). A full description of the API available at user-level is provided. Last but not least, our implementation is evaluated and validated through a set of tests and experiments on real hardware that will help understanding the main differences between SCHED_EDF and the existing scheduling policies already available on Linux.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Testing Losless Join Algorithm

Testing algorithm
input: A relation R, a decomposition D = {R1, R2,..., Rm} of R, and
a set F of function dependencies.

1. Create an initial matrix S with one row i for each relation Ri in
D, and one column j for each attribute Aj in R.
2. Set S(i, j) := bij for all matrix entries.
3. For each row i representing relation schema Ri Do
{for each column j representing Aj do
{if relation Ri includes attribute Aj then
set S(i, j) := aj;}
4. Repeat the following loop until a complete loop execution results
in no changes to S.

{for each function dependency X  Y in F do
for all rows in S which have the same symbols in the
columns corresponding to attributes in X do
{make the symbols in each column that correspond to
an attribute in Y be the same in all these rows as follows:
if any of the rows has an “a” symbol for the column,
set the other rows to the same “a” symbol in the column.
If no “a” symbol exists for the attribute in any of the
rows, choose one of the “b” symbols that appear in one
of the rows for the attribute and set the other rows to
that same “b” symbol in the column;}}
5. If a row is made up entirely of “a” symbols, then the decompo-
sition has the lossless join property; otherwise it does not.



Since version 2.5 of the kernel, Linux has used a multilevel feedback queue with priority levels ranging from 0-140. 0-99 are reserved for real-time tasks and 100-140 are considered nice task levels. For real-time tasks, the time quantum for switching processes is approximately 200 ms and 10 ms for nice tasks. The scheduler will run through the queue of all ready processes, letting the highest ones go first and run through their time slice, and afterwards they will be placed in an expired queue. Then when the active queue is empty the expired queue will then be the active and vice versa. From versions 2.6 to 2.6.23, the kernel used an O(1) scheduler. In version 2.6.23, they replaced this method with the Completely Fair Scheduler that uses Red Black trees instead of queues.

sched_setscheduler, sched_getscheduler


       sched_setscheduler, sched_getscheduler - set and get scheduling policy/parame-



int sched_setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy,
const struct sched_param *param);

int sched_getscheduler(pid_t pid);

struct sched_param {
int sched_priority;


       sched_setscheduler() sets both the scheduling policy and the associated
parameters for the process whose ID is specified in pid. If pid equals zero,
the scheduling policy and parameters of the calling process will be set. The
interpretation of the argument param depends on the selected policy.
Currently, Linux supports the following "normal" (i.e., non-real-time)
scheduling policies:

SCHED_OTHER the standard round-robin time-sharing policy;

SCHED_BATCH for "batch" style execution of processes; and

SCHED_IDLE for running very low priority background jobs.

The following "real-time" policies are also supported, for special time-
critical applications that need precise control over the way in which runnable
processes are selected for execution:

SCHED_FIFO a first-in, first-out policy; and

SCHED_RR a round-robin policy.

The semantics of each of these policies are detailed below.

sched_getscheduler() queries the scheduling policy currently applied to the
process identified by pid. If pid equals zero, the policy of the calling
process will be retrieved.

Scheduling Policies

       The scheduler is the kernel component that decides which runnable process will
be executed by the CPU next. Each process has an associated scheduling policy
and a static scheduling priority, sched_priority; these are the settings that
are modified by sched_setscheduler(). The scheduler makes it decisions based
on knowledge of the scheduling policy and static priority of all processes on
the system.

For processes scheduled under one of the normal scheduling policies
(SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_IDLE, SCHED_BATCH), sched_priority is not used in
scheduling decisions (it must be specified as 0).

Processes scheduled under one of the real-time policies (SCHED_FIFO, SCHED_RR)
have a sched_priority value in the range 1 (low) to 99 (high). (As the
numbers imply, real-time processes always have higher priority than normal
processes.) Note well: POSIX.1-2001 only requires an implementation to
support a minimum 32 distinct priority levels for the real-time policies, and
some systems supply just this minimum. Portable programs should use
sched_get_priority_min(2) and sched_get_priority_max(2) to find the range of
priorities supported for a particular policy.

Conceptually, the scheduler maintains a list of runnable processes for each
possible sched_priority value. In order to determine which process runs next,
the scheduler looks for the non-empty list with the highest static priority
and selects the process at the head of this list.

A process's scheduling policy determines where it will be inserted into the
list of processes with equal static priority and how it will move inside this

All scheduling is preemptive: if a process with a higher static priority
becomes ready to run, the currently running process will be preempted and
returned to the wait list for its static priority level. The scheduling
policy only determines the ordering within the list of runnable processes with
equal static priority.

SCHED_FIFO: First In-First Out scheduling

       SCHED_FIFO can only be used with static priorities higher than 0, which means
that when a SCHED_FIFO processes becomes runnable, it will always immediately
preempt any currently running SCHED_OTHER, SCHED_BATCH, or SCHED_IDLE process.
SCHED_FIFO is a simple scheduling algorithm without time slicing. For
processes scheduled under the SCHED_FIFO policy, the following rules apply:

* A SCHED_FIFO process that has been preempted by another process of higher
priority will stay at the head of the list for its priority and will resume
execution as soon as all processes of higher priority are blocked again.

* When a SCHED_FIFO process becomes runnable, it will be inserted at the end
of the list for its priority.

* A call to sched_setscheduler() or sched_setparam(2) will put the SCHED_FIFO
(or SCHED_RR) process identified by pid at the start of the list if it was
runnable. As a consequence, it may preempt the currently running process
if it has the same priority. (POSIX.1-2001 specifies that the process
should go to the end of the list.)

* A process calling sched_yield(2) will be put at the end of the list.

No other events will move a process scheduled under the SCHED_FIFO policy in
the wait list of runnable processes with equal static priority.

A SCHED_FIFO process runs until either it is blocked by an I/O request, it is
preempted by a higher priority process, or it calls sched_yield(2).

SCHED_RR: Round Robin scheduling

       SCHED_RR is a simple enhancement of SCHED_FIFO.  Everything described above
for SCHED_FIFO also applies to SCHED_RR, except that each process is only
allowed to run for a maximum time quantum. If a SCHED_RR process has been
running for a time period equal to or longer than the time quantum, it will be
put at the end of the list for its priority. A SCHED_RR process that has been
preempted by a higher priority process and subsequently resumes execution as a
running process will complete the unexpired portion of its round robin time
quantum. The length of the time quantum can be retrieved using

SCHED_OTHER: Default Linux time-sharing scheduling

       SCHED_OTHER can only be used at static priority 0.  SCHED_OTHER is the
standard Linux time-sharing scheduler that is intended for all processes that
do not require the special real-time mechanisms. The process to run is chosen
from the static priority 0 list based on a dynamic priority that is determined
only inside this list. The dynamic priority is based on the nice value (set
by nice(2) or setpriority(2)) and increased for each time quantum the process
is ready to run, but denied to run by the scheduler. This ensures fair
progress among all SCHED_OTHER processes.

SCHED_BATCH: Scheduling batch processes

       (Since Linux 2.6.16.)  SCHED_BATCH can only be used at static priority 0.
This policy is similar to SCHED_OTHER in that it schedules the process
according to its dynamic priority (based on the nice value). The difference
is that this policy will cause the scheduler to always assume that the process
is CPU-intensive. Consequently, the scheduler will apply a small scheduling
penalty with respect to wakeup behaviour, so that this process is mildly
disfavored in scheduling decisions.

This policy is useful for workloads that are non-interactive, but do not want
to lower their nice value, and for workloads that want a deterministic
scheduling policy without interactivity causing extra preemptions (between the
workload's tasks).

SCHED_IDLE: Scheduling very low priority jobs

       (Since Linux 2.6.23.)  SCHED_IDLE can only be used at static priority 0; the
process nice value has no influence for this policy.

This policy is intended for running jobs at extremely low priority (lower even
than a +19 nice value with the SCHED_OTHER or SCHED_BATCH policies).

Privileges and resource limits

       In Linux kernels before 2.6.12, only privileged (CAP_SYS_NICE) processes can
set a non-zero static priority (i.e., set a real-time scheduling policy). The
only change that an unprivileged process can make is to set the SCHED_OTHER
policy, and this can only be done if the effective user ID of the caller of
sched_setscheduler() matches the real or effective user ID of the target
process (i.e., the process specified by pid) whose policy is being changed.

Since Linux 2.6.12, the RLIMIT_RTPRIO resource limit defines a ceiling on an
unprivileged process's static priority for the SCHED_RR and SCHED_FIFO
policies. The rules for changing scheduling policy and priority are as

* If an unprivileged process has a non-zero RLIMIT_RTPRIO soft limit, then it
can change its scheduling policy and priority, subject to the restriction
that the priority cannot be set to a value higher than the maximum of its
current priority and its RLIMIT_RTPRIO soft limit.

* If the RLIMIT_RTPRIO soft limit is 0, then the only permitted changes are to
lower the priority, or to switch to a non-real-time policy.

* Subject to the same rules, another unprivileged process can also make these
changes, as long as the effective user ID of the process making the change
matches the real or effective user ID of the target process.

* Special rules apply for the SCHED_IDLE: an unprivileged process operating
under this policy cannot change its policy, regardless of the value of its
RLIMIT_RTPRIO resource limit.

Privileged (CAP_SYS_NICE) processes ignore the RLIMIT_RTPRIO limit; as with
older kernels, they can make arbitrary changes to scheduling policy and
priority. See getrlimit(2) for further information on RLIMIT_RTPRIO.

Response time

       A blocked high priority process waiting for the I/O has a certain response
time before it is scheduled again. The device driver writer can greatly
reduce this response time by using a "slow interrupt" interrupt handler.


       Child processes inherit the scheduling policy and parameters across a fork(2).
The scheduling policy and parameters are preserved across execve(2).

Memory locking is usually needed for real-time processes to avoid paging
delays; this can be done with mlock(2) or mlockall(2).

Since a non-blocking infinite loop in a process scheduled under SCHED_FIFO or
SCHED_RR will block all processes with lower priority forever, a software
developer should always keep available on the console a shell scheduled under
a higher static priority than the tested application. This will allow an
emergency kill of tested real-time applications that do not block or terminate
as expected. See also the description of the RLIMIT_RTTIME resource limit in

POSIX systems on which sched_setscheduler() and sched_getscheduler() are
available define _POSIX_PRIORITY_SCHEDULING in .


       On success, sched_setscheduler() returns zero.  On success,
sched_getscheduler() returns the policy for the process (a non-negative
integer). On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately.


       EINVAL The scheduling policy is not one of the recognized policies, or param
does not make sense for the policy.

EPERM The calling process does not have appropriate privileges.

ESRCH The process whose ID is pid could not be found.


       POSIX.1-2001 (but see BUGS below).  The SCHED_BATCH and SCHED_IDLE policies
are Linux-specific.


       POSIX.1 does not detail the permissions that an unprivileged process requires
in order to call sched_setscheduler(), and details vary across systems. For
example, the Solaris 7 manual page says that the real or effective user ID of
the calling process must match the real user ID or the save set-user-ID of the
target process.

Originally, Standard Linux was intended as a general-purpose operating system
being able to handle background processes, interactive applications, and less
demanding real-time applications (applications that need to usually meet
timing deadlines). Although the Linux kernel 2.6 allowed for kernel
preemption and the newly introduced O(1) scheduler ensures that the time
needed to schedule is fixed and deterministic irrespective of the number of
active tasks, true real-time computing was not possible up to kernel version

Real-time features in the mainline Linux kernel

       From kernel version 2.6.18 onwards, however, Linux is gradually becoming
equipped with real-time capabilities, most of which are derived from the
former realtime-preempt patches developed by Ingo Molnar, Thomas Gleixner,
Steven Rostedt, and others. Until the patches have been completely merged
into the mainline kernel (this is expected to be around kernel version
2.6.30), they must be installed to achieve the best real-time performance.
These patches are named:


and can be downloaded from

Without the patches and prior to their full inclusion into the mainline
kernel, the kernel configuration offers only the three preemption classes
which respectively provide no, some, and considerable reduction of the worst-
case scheduling latency.

With the patches applied or after their full inclusion into the mainline
kernel, the additional configuration item CONFIG_PREEMPT_RT becomes available.
If this is selected, Linux is transformed into a regular real-time operating
system. The FIFO and RR scheduling policies that can be selected using
sched_setscheduler() are then used to run a process with true real-time
priority and a minimum worst-case scheduling latency.

Scheduling Policies

These policies either require superuser privilege (ie. run as root) or realtime capabilities for unprivileged users in the form of a PAM module. They include SCHED_FIFO and SCHED_RR.



These processes schedule according to their realtime priority which is unrelated to the nice value. The highest priority process runs indefinitely, never releasing the cpu except to an even higher priority realtime task or voluntarily. Only proper realtime code should ever use this policy as the potential for hardlocking a machine is high if the process runs away. Audio applications for professional performance such as jack use this policy.


These run similar to SCHED_FIFO except that if more than one process has the same realtime priority, they will run for short periods each and share the cpu.


These policies do not require special privileges to use and include SCHED_NORMAL and SCHED_BATCH in mainline and -ck. -ck also includes two extra unprivileged policies, SCHED_ISO and SCHED_IDLEPRIO.


This is how most normal applications are run. The amount of cpu each process consumes and the latency it will get is mostly determined by the 'nice' value. They run for short periods and share cpu amongst all other processes running with the same policy, across all nice values. Known as SCHED_OTHER in most of the rest of the world, including glibc headers as per POSIX.1.


Similar to SCHED_NORMAL in every way except that specifying a task as batch means you are telling the kernel that this process should not ever be considered an interactive task. This means that you want these tasks to get the same share of cpu time as the same nice level SCHED_NORMAL tasks would have, but you do not care what latency they have.


Unique to -ck this is a scheduling policy designed for pseudo-realttime scheduling without requiring superuser privileges (unlike SCHED_RR and SCHED_FIFO). When scheduled SCHED_ISO, a task can receive very low latency scheduling, and can take the full cpu like SCHED_RR, but unlike the realtime tasks they cannot starve the machine as an upper limit to their cpu usage is specified in a tunable (see below). It is designed for realtime like behaviour without risk to hanging for programs not really coded safely enough to be run realtime such as ordinary audio and video playback software. SCHED_ISO does not take a realtime priority, but nice levels like other normal tasks, although the nice value is largely ignored except when the task uses more than its cpu limit.


Also unique to -ck this is a scheduling policy designed for tasks to purely use idle time. This means that if anything else is running, these tasks will not even progress at all. This policy is useful for performing prolonged computing tasks such as distributed computing clients (setiathome, foldingathome, etc) and prevents these tasks from stealing away any cpu time from other applications. Also it can be useful for conducting large compilations of software without affecting other tasks. These tasks are also flagged in -ck for less aggressive memory usage and disk read bandwidth, but these affects are not potent, and if the task uses a lot of memory and disk it will be noticeable. SCHED_IDLEPRIO takes a nice value. However this nice value only determines the cpu distribution between all idleprio tasks, allowing many idleprio tasks to be running with different nice values. This might be desirable, for example, when using a distributed computing client at nice 19 and compiling software at nice 0 when both are SCHED_IDLEPRIO.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Dynamically initialize 2D array in ruby


class Array2D
def initialize(width, height)
@data = Array.new(width) { Array.new(height) }
def [](x, y)
def []=(x, y, value)
@data[x][y] = value

puts("please enter the size of square matrix")
arr = Array2D.new($num, $num)

for j in 0..$num-1

for k in 0..$num-1
arr[j, k] = 0
arr[j, k]= 0

Friday, September 4, 2009

Why SystemC instead of C++ ?

The C++ language is based on sequential programming. Consequently it is not suited for the modeling of concurrent activities. Furthermore most system and hardware models require a notion of delays, clocks or time. features which are not present in C++ as a software programming language. As a result, complex and detailed systems cannot be easily described in C++ alone. Additionally communication mechanisms used in hardware models, such as signals and ports, are very different from those used in software programming. Lastly, the data types found in C++ are too remote from the actual hardware implementation.
Ultimately, new dedicated data types and communication mechanisms have to be provided.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Why systemC?

SystemC is replacing the specially designed HDL's like Verilog and VHDL in many situations. This does not mean that these HDL's are obsolete now, instead, systemC supports a new approach to design a system.

The systemC born because of the necessities of the current electronic industry: Electronic gadgets are incorporating greater and greater functionality today, but not compromising with the time to produce and market the gadgets. For example, you want your mobile handset to have internet facility but you are not ready to wait for one year for that facility to come. It is easy for you to demand, but it is not so easy for electronic design engineers who design the system. The greater complexity of the future systems are making the situation still worst. Previously, the C (or C++) was used to write the software part of the design. For hardware part any of the existing HDL's were used to design the hardware. It was very difficult to setup a testbench which is common for both, since they are entirely different languages. The introduction of systemC solved many of these problems.

The systemC is nothing but a C++ class library specially designed for system design. This is an open source ware, maintained by OSCI (Open source SystemC Initiative). (visit http://systemc.org for more details.)

The advantages of using systemC are:

1. It inherits all the features of C++, which is a stable programming language accepted all over the world. It has got large language constructs, which makes easier to write the program with less efforts.

2. Rich in data types: along with the types supported by C++, systemC supports the use of special data types which are often used by the hardware engineers.

3. It comes with a strong simulation kernel to enable the designers to write good test benches easily, and to simulate it. This is so important because the functional verification at the system level saves a lot of money and time.

4. It introduces the notion of time to C++, to simulate synchronous hardware designs. This is common in most of the HDL's.

5. While most of the HDL's support the RTL level of design, systemC supports the design at an higher abstraction level. This enables large systems to be modeled easily without worrying the implementation of it. It also supports RTL design, and this subset is usually called as systemC RTL.

6. Concurrency: To simulate the concurrent behavior of the digital hardware, the simulation kernel is is so designed that all the 'processes' are executed concurrently, irrespective of the order in which they are called.